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They started out investing in e-mobility with renewable energy and making their own offices a smart building. It is a source of a lot of data telling the story how energy is produced and consumed.

This is an inherent property of that sort of equations which are able to model the many variants of waves which exist. They are rich but also difficult to handle. This difficulty is visible hinein the number of results on existence, uniqueness and regularity which is tiny compared to elliptic and parabolic equations but also rein the difficulty to find the right numerical schemes for them.

The proof rests on introducing artificial dissipation rein the mass conservation, and a small term with higher order regularity for the density. Then, the velocity is approximated through a Faedo-Galerkin approximation and a lot of independent limiting processes can Beryllium carried out successfully.

The name of the poster refers to three topics which are interlinked in their research. Firstly, water flow is modelled as a singularly perturbed equation in a one-dimensional channel. Due to the fact that at the fluid does not move at the boundary there has to be a boundary layer in which the flow properties change. This might occur very rapidly. So, the second topic is that depending on the boundary layer the Harte nuss is singularly perturbed and rein the Grenzwert it is even ill-posed.

Pro die Aussage "Es gibt eine irrationale Zahl, die mit einer irrationalen Anzahl potenziert rational ist" gibt es denn Paradebeispiel einen nicht-konstruktiven Beweis: Entweder ist Quadratwurzel von 2 mit umherwandern selbst potenziert rational, oder spätestens das Folgeerscheinung potenziert mit der Quadratwurzel von beide ist rational, denn das ist 2. Es ist nicht gegenwärtig, welche Lager die Lösung ist, sondern hier bloß, dass es eine der beiden ist.

The next question then is: How does it respond to small perturbation? The classical procedure is to linearize around the steady flow which leads to a linear Schwierigkeit to solve rein order to know the stability properties. The basic (steady) flow allows for Fourier transformation which leads to a Schwierigkeit with two scalar parameters - one Ohne scheiß and one complex.

There is no standard or best way to organize the topics since there is a network of connections inbetween results and a lot of different ways to end up with models and calculation procedures. Rein the course hinein Karlsruhe rein the first semester we mainly focus on calculus and touch the following subjects:

Andrii Khrabustovskyi works at our faculty rein the group Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and is a member of the CRC Wave phenomena: analysis and numerics. He welches born rein Kharkiv rein the Ukraine and finished his studies as well as his PhD at the Kharkiv National University and the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the Bundesweit Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He joined ur faculty hinein 2012 as postdoc hinein the former Research Training Group 1294 Analysis, Simulation and Design of Nanotechnological Processes, which was active until 2014. Gudrun Thäter talked with him about one of his research interests Asymptotic analysis and homogenization of PDEs. Photonic crystals are periodic dielectric media hinein which electromagnetic waves from certain frequency ranges cannot propagate. Mathematically speaking this is due to gaps in the spectrum of the related differential operators. For that an interesting question is if there are gaps inbetween bands of the spectrum of operators related to wave propagation, especially on periodic geometries and with periodic coeffecicients rein the operator. It is known that the spectrum of periodic selfadjoint operators has bandstructure. This means the spectrum is a locally finite union of compact intervals called bands. In general, the bands may overlap and the existence of gaps is therefore not guaranteed. A simple example for that is the spectrum of the Laplacian in L_2(R^stickstoff) which is the half axis [0, infty).

A special property is that the model has infinitely many inherent scales, namely all even powers of the gradient of the field. So to understand maybe asymptotic limits in theses scales could Beryllium a first interesting step.

Die Topologie ist im gange überhaupt nicht so theoretisch, hinsichtlich sie zunächst erscheint- denn da wir nicht auf einer Ebene oder flachen Welt leben, können wir einmal um die Welt herumgehen, des weiteren nach langem Fern wieder an dem identisch sein Ort wieder ankommen.

One reason is the fact that we think to know deeply what we understand as volume and expect it to be preserved under rearrangements (like in the Tangram Computerspiel, e.g.).Then the impact of the Banach-Tarski paradox is similar for our understanding of volume to the shift rein understanding the relation between time and space through Einstein's relativity theory (which see this website is from about the same time).

This is one of two conversations which Gudrun Thäter recorded alongside the conference Women rein PDEs which took place at our Department in Karlsruhe on 27-28 April 2017. Maria Lopez-Fernandez from the University Lanthanum Sapienza rein Rome welches one of the seven invited speakers. She got her university degree at the University of Valladolid hinein Spain and worked as an academic researcher in Madrid and at the University of Zürich. Her field of research is numerical analyis and hinein particular the robust and efficient approximation of convolutions. The conversation is his response mainly focussed on its applications to wave scattering problems. The important questions for the numerical tools are: Consistency, stability and convergence analysis. The methods proposed by Maria pop over to these guys are Convolution Quadrature Durchschuss methods for the time discretization coupled with the boundary integral methods for the spatial discretization. Convolution Quadrature methods are based on Laplace transformation and numerical integration. They were initially mostly developed for parabolic problems and are now adapted to serve rein the context of (hyperbolic) wave equations. Convolution quadrature methods introduce artificial dissipation rein the computation, which stabilzes the numerics. However it would be physically more meaningful to work instead with schemes which conserve mass. She is mainly interested in fast algorithms with reduced memory requirements and adaptivity hinein time and space.

Gudrun Talks to Sema CoÅŸkun who at the Augenblick of the conversation in 2018 is a Auf dem postweg Doc researcher at the University Kaiserslautern rein the group of financial mathematics. She constructs models for the behaviour of energy markets. Hinein short the conversation covers the questions

Die grundsätzliche Kompliziertheit liegt Dadrin, ein angemessenes Theorie je die Risikobewertung zu finden, selbst wenn manche Ereignisse nichts als selten oder hinein bestimmter Umgebung sogar noch absolut nie aufgetreten sind, ebenso so kaum Informationen vorliegen. Die Lösung liegt Dadrin auf probabilistische Vorhersagen nach setzen. Hier wird kein deterministischer fester Wert vorhergesagt, sondern die stochastische Dissemination, rein der man die Wahrscheinlichkeit für jedes Aus Ereignisse definiert.

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